Getting started with job submission scripts#

A submission script is a shell script that consists of a list of processing tasks that need to be carried out, such as the command, runtime libraries, and input and/or output files for the tasks. If you know the resources that your tasks need to consume, you may also modify the SBATCH script with some of the common directives, e.g.:

Short Format        Long Format             Default         Description
------------        -----------             -------         -----------
-N count    --nodes=count           One             One node will be used.  Used to allocate count nodes to your job.
-A accountID        --account=accountID     One             Enter the account ID for your group. You may check your available account(s) with id command.
-t HH:MM:SS --time=HH:MM:SS         02:00:00        Always specify the maximum wallclock time for your job, max is 7 days.
-p partition        --partition=partition   m3a             Always specify your partition (i.e. m3c, m3d, m3f)
-n count    --ntasks                One             Controls the number of tasks to be created for the job
N/A         --ntasks-per-node       One             Controls the maximum number of tasks per allocated node
-c count    --cpus-per-task         One             Controls the number of CPUs allocated per task
N/A         --mem-per-cpu           4096MB          Memory size per CPU
-m size             --mem=size              4096MB          Total memory size
-J jobname  --job-name=job_name     slurm-{jobid}   Up to 15 printable, non-whitespace characters
N/A         --gres=gpu:1            N/A             Generic consumable resources e.g. GPU
N/A         --no-requeue            --requeue       By default, job will be requeued after a node failure

Running Simple Batch Jobs#

Submitting a job to SLURM is performed by running the sbatch command and specifying a job script.

sbatch job.script

You can supply options (e.g. --ntasks=xx) to the sbatch command. If an option is already defined in the job.script file, it will be overridden by the commandline argument.

sbatch [options] job.script

An example Slurm job script#

#SBATCH --job-name=MyJob
#SBATCH --account=nq46
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4096
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1

This script describes the job: it is a serial job with only one process (--ntasks=1). It only needs one CPU core to run the ./helloworld process. The default memory per CPU has been set to 4GB and you should adjust the script based on how much your job needs.

Cancelling jobs#

To cancel one job

scancel [JOBID]

To cancel all of your jobs

scancel -u [USERID]